Source code for aiogram.filters.exception

import re
from typing import Any, Dict, Pattern, Type, Union, cast

from aiogram.filters.base import Filter
from aiogram.types import TelegramObject
from aiogram.types.error_event import ErrorEvent

[docs]class ExceptionTypeFilter(Filter): """ Allows to match exception by type """ __slots__ = ("exceptions",) def __init__(self, *exceptions: Type[Exception]): """ :param exceptions: Exception type(s) """ if not exceptions: raise ValueError("At least one exception type is required") self.exceptions = exceptions async def __call__(self, obj: TelegramObject) -> Union[bool, Dict[str, Any]]: return isinstance(cast(ErrorEvent, obj).exception, self.exceptions)
[docs]class ExceptionMessageFilter(Filter): """ Allow to match exception by message """ __slots__ = ("pattern",) def __init__(self, pattern: Union[str, Pattern[str]]): """ :param pattern: Regexp pattern """ if isinstance(pattern, str): pattern = re.compile(pattern) self.pattern = pattern def __str__(self) -> str: return self._signature_to_string( pattern=self.pattern, ) async def __call__( self, obj: TelegramObject, ) -> Union[bool, Dict[str, Any]]: result = self.pattern.match(str(cast(ErrorEvent, obj).exception)) if not result: return False return {"match_exception": result}